Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Yeah its my first mothers day! My parents and sister came up from Illinois for the day. Really just an excuse to see Jocelyn, but I won't ever complain about that! We made a ham - Alton Browns recipe - it was delish! And Blair brought me this cake from Chicago, it was carrot cake with butter cream frosting. Yum!

I got lots of pretty flowers, I could get used to this! So once this autumn-like weather gets out of town I (hopefully) will find time to do some gardening.

Last mothers day weekend we conceived, so depending when you believe life begins, Jocelyn is a "year" old! She was her typical smiley good lit
tle baby. Entertaining everyone while barfing on their clothes.

My first week back at work went well. I am feeding Jocelyn one bottle of formula a day, I can't keep up with pumping at work. That seems to be ok. She also is rolling over a lot now, and sleeping on her belly. I know its taboo but she is strong and comfortable so I leave her on her belly or side.

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