Tuesday, November 3, 2009

27 weeks

I have a couple of months still. . . but I was thinking I might paint my belly. Of course I won't be able to do this myself so I need to come up with a super simple design that Austin can execute. Please help out with any suggestions. Check out this link. . . Pregnant Belly Paintings.

I had a doctors appointment last Thursday. Let me just point out that I HATE needles. Not only did I have blood drawn, for glucose testing, but I also got the elusive H1N1 vaccine. The doctors office had called me before my appointment and left a voice mail I couldn't quite understand. When I arrived at the doctor I knew why I hadn't understood the message. The nurse was whispered to me that they did indeed have the vaccine in and wanted to know if I was interested in receiving it. In the waiting area there were 3 other pregnant women, did they know about the vaccine availability? I'll never know.

I did get an ultrasound (hooray) but I did not receive any pictures (boo). Doctor Olson wanted to make sure that the placenta was moved out of the way, and it had. I also wanted to know the position of the baby. My lower left seems to be the place I feel the most action. So upon the ultrasound investigation, there were in fact two big feet that showed up clear as day on the screen. All the little movements in the upper right abdomen are the baby's little fists. And every once and a while there is a combined movement between the two areas that quite literally make ME jump! What is the baby doing in there? I'll never know.