Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why having a dog is a good prelude to having a child.

  • Random barf in the middle of the night.
  • Drool.
  • Whining during dinner.
  • Removing dog from dog park is like taking a child off the swing set.
  • Spelling out words you don't want him to hear, W-A-L-K.
  • "Poo-Paw" in the middle of dinner that requires a bath.
  • Bribery.
  • Cuteness is his only defense.
  • Lots of photos.
  • Plenty of doctors/vet visits.
  • Drool.
  • "Proofing" the house.
  • Unconquerable hiccups.
  • Use of the word "no" has quadrupled.
  • Random "smells."
  • Middle of the night potty breaks.
  • More Bribery.
  • Scattered toys around the house.
  • Drool.
  • Increase of garbage.
  • Lots of laughter.
  • "Baby talk."
  • Main topic of conversation.
  • Nicknames.
  • Not having to talk to yourself.
  • Drool.
  • Cleaning his eyes, nose or drool before going out in public.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Two nights ago, sound asleep and comfortable (for once) I stretched out my legs and BAM! My calf muscle cramped up into a hard ball. I did what anyone else would have done, screamed and swore and screamed some more. Thus waking Austin up, he jumped out of bed thinking I was in labor. Poor Austin paced back and forth and decided to help me stretch my calf by flexing my foot. This just came with more screaming and swearing, so he gave up and we both went back to sleep. So, now here I am post massage and limping around. Yes pregnancy is beautiful.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

25 weeks

So, how am I feeling? This is the most common question I am asked. "I feel fine," is the most common answer I give. Really this has been an easy pregnancy. I have had no morning sickness and only a few "strange" cravings. The first trimester, all I wanted to do was sleep. I have never been so tired in my life. I would wake up, work, come home, nap, eat, then sleep. There was one instance that required an emergency doctors visit. I was at work on a Monday, which is my office day, and I had chest pains and my pulse was racing. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I had an EKG the following morning and everything looked alright. At the time I was 15 weeks or so. Since then just some minor aches and pains, Dr. Olson said if I move too fast I might pull ligaments at the bottom of the uterus. I feel helpless when I can't lift things at work or silly when vaccuuming hurts my back. I have a massage today, I can't wait! The baby seems to be on a schedule, kicking and punching me at said times. Austin said he could hear the heartbeat from just putting his ear up to my tummy. How cool! ~Jade

Ultrasound week 18

Here is the hand. The baby is already shooting from the hip. We suspect that he/she was sucking his/her thumb.

This was so cool. The baby was "comfortable" and didn't make any huge movements.

Ultrasound week 10

Here is the first ultrasound at 10 weeks. The baby wiggled like a little worm.