Wednesday, October 21, 2009

25 weeks

So, how am I feeling? This is the most common question I am asked. "I feel fine," is the most common answer I give. Really this has been an easy pregnancy. I have had no morning sickness and only a few "strange" cravings. The first trimester, all I wanted to do was sleep. I have never been so tired in my life. I would wake up, work, come home, nap, eat, then sleep. There was one instance that required an emergency doctors visit. I was at work on a Monday, which is my office day, and I had chest pains and my pulse was racing. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I had an EKG the following morning and everything looked alright. At the time I was 15 weeks or so. Since then just some minor aches and pains, Dr. Olson said if I move too fast I might pull ligaments at the bottom of the uterus. I feel helpless when I can't lift things at work or silly when vaccuuming hurts my back. I have a massage today, I can't wait! The baby seems to be on a schedule, kicking and punching me at said times. Austin said he could hear the heartbeat from just putting his ear up to my tummy. How cool! ~Jade

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