Friday, March 12, 2010

The first fuzzy few weeks. . .

We brought Jocelyn home, it was a cold Super Bowl Sunday snow flurries and gray clouds. Running on adrenaline it didn't matter if we got any sleep. We tried but every time there was a little squeak from Jocelyn we were sprinting out of bed to her room. Well when I say "we" I mean Austin, I still love my sleep.

Her first wellness visit was 2 days after we brought her home. Dr. Watson gave us a clean bill of health, but she did lose 10% of her body weight in 4 days after birth. So she weighs 6 lbs. 2oz. at this point. He did sound concerned and wanted us to come back in 2 more days for a weight check. Finally my milk had come in and Jocelyn and I figured out this whole breast feeding thing. When we had gone into the doctors office 2 days later she had gained 8 oz. in 2 days! What a little piggy!

Austin stayed home with me for a week, using up his vacation. I am using FMLA which is 12 weeks off of work, but with no pay. They just have to guarantee a position with equal pay when I return to work. What is wrong with this country? We should move to Sweden! Why can't I get paid time off? I used up my 2 weeks of vacation and 3 paid sick days, but to start a family should you really have to?! When Austin went back to work, my mom stayed with us for 5 days. It was really great to have her here. I hadn't discovered "pumping" yet, so to have her help with cooking, laundry and cleaning was awesome. I can't thank her enough! Plus she got quality bonding time with her first grandchild!

Breastfeeding is hard. There is nothing in my opinion that comes "naturally". Jocelyn likes to eat her hands, she is so strong that I have to pry her little fists away from her mouth. Luckily there is pumping and other people, like Austin, can feed her. This means I can sleep and escape the house!

Leon, our dog, is adjusting well. He vies for our attention especially from Austin who is his play buddy. Otherwise he is very good with Jocelyn. Her crying doesn't even phase him and when I get up all hours of the night he usually doesn't move, or if he does he sleeps in her room in front of the heat vent!

We have had quite the parade of visitors! And Jocelyn has received so many wonderful gifts, her closet is now filled with so many cute girly clothes!

Jocelyn is so expressive! She smiles a lot and makes this great wrinkled brow serious face! When she is asleep she laughs, I mean a crack-up laugh. I wonder what she thinks is so funny?! What could an infant be dreaming about?

I never knew that an infant could be so strong, Jocelyn can move her head around easily and her grip is like a little vise. She also squeaks quite a bit, which makes me smile. We gave Jocelyn her first bath when she was 20 days old. She loves taking a bath and doesn't cry at all! A true little Aquarius!

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