Friday, April 30, 2010

Dear Jocelyn Rose,

You are 12 weeks old today! If the rest of our lives go by this quickly I must remember to make time to slow down and enjoy it. I never imagined my life like this and now I couldn't imagine my life without you and your father. I am very lucky to be surrounded by such love.

Next week I go back to work, and you will start daycare. Your teachers are very nice and caring, they will take care of you for a couple of hours three days a week. Your Nana Carol will watch you and your cousin, Ella, on Fridays. I think you will like the newness of it all.

You are such a good baby. Just like your Mom you like to sleep, Papa Bruce calls us mattress muffins! You eat very well, and continue to grow into a cute little baby! Just this last week you started to grab things, and you try to "pick" the animals off the pages in your favorite book. The last couple of days you really started to get an opinion and if you don't like something you arch your back and go stiff as a board. Yesterday you were singing to me! You are quite the talker, and you think its really funny. When you get excited your beautiful big eyes get real wide and you kick like crazy. I hope you will find excitement in the rest of your life and share it with me.

We Skype Grandma Amy and Grandpa Bob almost daily. You look at the computer screen and I wonder if you can make the connection that it is your grandparents. We also occasionally Skype Great-Grandpa Pop-pop. He is a funny man I hope you will be able to meet him someday.

Summer is almost here and I can't wait to show you the world! There will be trips to the zoo and to the beach. And maybe a baseball game and camping trip!

Thank you Jocelyn for giving my life a little sparkle. I love you.


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