Saturday, May 15, 2010

pumping . . .

So, this whole breastfeeding thing. . . yes, I know the benefits and yes, I know how much money we save but really its hard to go the recommended year. I started back at work 2 weeks ago. In anticipation of not being able to keep up with pumping I spent 75 dollars on 3 huge jars of powdered formula. I also was feeding Jocelyn a little bit of formula here and there to make her little belly used to the fact she will not be drinking mommy milk exclusively.

I can usually pump once maybe twice a day at work. Which is weird in itself, I refuse to lock myself in the bathroom stall so I go in the back dry storage room. And my freezer supply of milk has run out. So what started as one bottle of formula a day has turned into 2 and soon turned into as much as three. Jocelyn tolerates it well, in fact the breast milk seems to make her spit up more.

It feels like my supply is dwindling a little bit so I will try to pump more. My doctor told me that babies are the best milk extractors and if I only pumped that I would make less milk. However, on my last day off I nursed her and she just falls asleep, its so comforting to her. I also noticed she was crabbier with she nurses exclusively maybe because she isn't getting enough, as far as ounces of milk. The books I have read suggested 30-40 ounces of milk for her age and I figured that we were feeding too little. I even got paranoid. . . is she making enough pee diapers when was the last time she pooped does she have tears when she cries??? Errrrr. . .

So, I feel less pressure this way and Jocelyn gets her 30 ounces a day. So, everyone's happy right? Then why do I feel I need to justify this with a blog?

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