Thursday, June 3, 2010

Doc visit

Jocelyn is in the 9th percentile for her weight. So, the doc was asking me a ton of questions. . . in the end we decided to try an acid reflux medicine. She spits up, but all babies spit up don't they? My mom said I was a spitty baby, so maybe it just runs in the family right? Well, last week day care teachers called both Austin and I claiming that Jocelyn was projectile vomiting. Stop moving her around so much then! We go in for a weight check at the end of the month, so time to get chubby!

She also received 3 more vaccines, which 2 days later she still has a little fever. The baby Tylenol we had was part of the recalled batch so we tossed it, and the store didn't have any more stocked so we had to rough it out. Which = crabby baby. In fact for the first time ever Jocelyn refused to eat at daycare, so hopefully today she can consume her full 30 ounces. Yesterday she only ate 18 and the day before 24 ounces, its hard to gain weight this way. Jocelyn grew 2 inches though, and that will put her in the 59th percentile for height.

On a side note my milk is starting to dry up. I can only produce 6-9 ounces a day.

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