Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hockey and Stuff

The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup last night. Grandpa Bob is sure excited about this, since he has season tickets and is such a huge fan. I think its that French-Canadian blood he has in him.

Jocelyn has such a neat family background, a super melting pot of an American. My mom is from the east coast and is 50% English and 25% Irish, 25% German. My dad is a little tougher to breakdown. . . his family is from the Chicago-land area he is 50% Italian and 25% French-Canadian (with a little native Canadian tribe mixed in there), 25% Irish - I think (backgrounds kinda muddy here). Mom's family background is upper middle class, and making their money in real estate. Always moving around the East Coast and fun times playing with sailboats. Dad's family lower middle class, blue collar hard working people from the Windy City. Also rumored to have been kicked out of Canada for stealing horses and followed the railway to Chicago. Both the French-Canadian and Italian last names were changed when coming to America, making them more English friendly. French-Canadian last name roughly translates to mean "branch of love" which sounds nice but most likely means illegitimate child or love child.

Jocelyn also gets a lot of Scandinavian background from her father. Where his mother is Swedish and his father is Norwegian. Austin also has told me there is some Dutch in there but I am not sure from which side. Both of his parents come from a small but charming town in southern Minnesota. Where its such a treat to have all four grandparents living there today! Its neat to see a street named with the family's last name. Austin is an Electrical Engineer as is his father and his father's father. In this Minnesota town there is a business - Morem Electric, a family owned and operated business. Austin's mother's family built and owned the town's only hotel at one point. That is still there to this day.

I hope Austin and I can leave our own mark on history. I also hope we can pass our family history on to Jocelyn and it won't fall on deaf ears.

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